Category Archives: College projects


Some photos of what I’ve been working on leading up to the deadline…

Double sided offset litho poster print, edition of 45.

Got a CRT monitor from a lovely Freecycle user in Lewisham. Ready to experiment with!!


Made during a Graphic Identity workshop run by Rita Coelho. I was aiming to create a logo which represents the way I work, originating from the cube drawing I made the night before (in previous blog post).


Kin’s work with NMM’s archive

While at my placement at Kin, I learnt about the process behind their Compass Lounge project at the National Maritime Museum; which included the visualisation of the NMM’s extensive archive. This archive includes thousands (around 250,000) of photographs, etchings, uniforms, flags and general maritime artifacts. Each object has been recently photographed at a high standard – something which needed to be taken advantage of. The user is able to interact with a 3D landscape of 4,000 images. The images are not accompanied with any information, however this has been considered due to the limited usage time by multiple visitors. This outcome still allows visitors to view and be inspired by the vast archive of high resolution images, within a museum space.

The plan-chest touch screens let users interact with the archive pieces in more detail with information on the most popular pieces in the collection; while the digital photo frames display pieces which have been recently viewed online.

This, in conjunction with the compass card, also encouraged visitors to visit the online archive outside of the museum, to discover further information about their chosen object or topic.

All images sourced from

Archive Project

Coming soon.

The Designer’s Republic

After all of the research and writing I have produced for Unit 10 I am looking into visualising these and briefing myself for final outcomes.

On another note, I managed to come across The Designer’s Republic’s work for the limited edition version of Autechre’s 9th album – Quaristice (2008); a photo-etched steel slip case, plus gatefold wallet.

Sean Booth of Autechre discussed with Clash magazine his preference of digital vs. physical:

“It makes no odds to me. Actually, it does; I’d prefer (people) to download it than buy it physically. It fits our agenda much better that way. Our plan has never been to produce CDs – it’s always been about making music. If there’s a way of charging for it and getting the content to people, then we’ll adopt whichever is the most transparent. The actual product is the FLAC file – but I don’t object to those who want to own something that they can hold”

Beautiful piece of design – albeit impractical. This theme of limited edition physical is becoming more interesting and proving to be a fantastic way of generating money for the artist. As well as having the freedom to produce priceless physical object for the fan in collaboration with designers it diminishes the constraints of having to house the hardware holding the music, and mass production of the piece. Seeing this has encouraged me to look back on the sleeve designs I produced for my laser engraved records, to document them properly, and to think about perhaps pursuing this experimentation with music ‘packaging’ further.

Unit 10

Third Year

I really ought to post on this blog for projects and research more often as I have a lot of work coming up soon for my final year at Camberwell!

The Last Bug

A few photos of the final poster.

Edition of 20.

Screen print & Laser Cut on 100gsm paper

DIY Project

So, I have recently decided on a project I would like to create using Processing/PureData as an interactive piece. From the hours I spent painstakingly setting the IBM o29 type on Illustrator, I constantly thought about just using font creation software and typing the text out  – but my inner perfectionist at the time wanted to see it lined up in a grid. I would like people to be able to create dot-matrix type throught printing, and then creating a font or digital format of the type from that through a a piece of software (or sketch/patch).

To do this, firstly the user will use a small device to print dots in a 5×7 grid onto a piece of paper (I have been designing this over the past few days and will upload some sketches soon). The user can then hold the print up to a webcam and have it automatically converted to a digital vector format which can be shown on screen (and perhaps uploaded to an online gallery).

I can’t imagine this being too difficult to create. I pretty much know how the program will run, I just need to read up on coding in Processing! I have tried something similar and a lot more basic in PureData, but I think it will be worth using Processing.