Category Archives: Contextual/inspiration

Slime Mold

Early Computer Graphics

Nearly all interactive graphics applications today can trace their roots back to this pivotal demonstration. It’s considered the first graphical user interface (GUI) at a time when computer graphics of ANY sort were virtually unheard of, let alone the notion that computers could be applied to both artistic and technical purposes.

Five weeks left until the hand in date for Unit 11 – deciding now that I need to focus my project work on computing/history of computing solely.

IBM Watson

Visual identity for artificial intelligence

The need: Watson is IBM’s Jeopardy-competing computer. What should Watson look like? Automata was contacted by Joshua Davis (working for Ogilvy) to build the system that visualizes Watson’s process.

The Solution: The Watson visualizer. Using a variety of inputs from Watson, including confidence, state of the game, and state of the buzzer, Branden created an artful system. From embarrassment to excitement, Watson’s “feelings” shine through.

Matthew Donaldson


Cloud Coins

Transparent Camouflage – The Situation Is Catastrophic, But Not Serious (Slavoj Zizek) Installation view at Gwangju Design Biennale, Korea 2011, “Named Design,” Politics Section. Design by Metahaven 2011.

Henrik Olesen – Alan Turing

What interests me about the TURING biography is not only the way it illustrates the boundaries and histories of the 20th century, but that it also seems almost like a gendered prophecy. In a horrifying way, TURING ’s body was injured by the violence of modern ideology, he lost his own body, in a way, but he also made a new one. In 1936, he published a theoretical model of a machine that was to constitute the basis of all post-war computing, making him the father of all modern computer science. And this part of his biography is a futuristic tale about thinking machines, artificial intelligence and the appearance of possible future bodies. And to me, this is a long-needed escape from biological, heterosexual reproduction. – HENRIK OLESEN for Mousse Magazine

Old Computer Adverts

Courtesy of


Taryn Simon

Transatlantic Sub-Marine Cables Reaching Land
VSNL International
Avon, New Jersey

Part of her series An American Index of the Hidden and Unfamiliar

manderson film

During my typical YouTube viewing habits, I came across a video entitled ‘ILLUMICORP – Illuminati Secret Training Video Reveiled’. Naturally I started watching as I am pretty sceptical that the Illuminati exists (especially how it is envisioned by YouTube users). It became clear that it was obviously a parody of the idea, made by Manderson Film as I later discovered

Some of the comments underneath are pretty worrying, seeing as this video is an obvious parody –

At the moment I can’t seem to find much information about this project (except for a few set shots on their website) so I will have to contact them to find out more. I can’t work out whether it is an online social media experiment – either way it’s a fantastic piece of work.

Devo – live visuals 1982

They messed up at the beginning of the song but the live visuals can be seen from 1:00.